Online course to benefit the USA Swimming Foundation
EDUCATA has announced a new course called “Mechanics of Swimming” geared toward giving swimmers,coaches, trainers, and physical therapists the knowledge to identify, treat, and deal with shoulder pain associated with swimming.
A portion of every sale of the course benefits the USA Swimming Foundation and will support their mission of saving lives and building champions-in the pool and in life. As the philanthropic arm of USA Swimming, the USA Swimming Foundation works to strengthen the sport from grassroots to gold medals.
Dr. Scott Rodeo, Co-Chief Emeritus of Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service at The Hospital for Special Surgery, and a professor of orthopedic surgery at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, endorses the course for coaches, physical therapists,physicians and trainers, as well as swimmers and parents, saying:
"Physical therapists Marilyn Pink and George Edelman, along with Olympic coach Bruce Gemmell, have put together a very comprehensive presentation on shoulder pain in swimmers, expertly summarizing how to evaluate, manage, and prevent shoulder problems in swimming. ... I highly recommend that you spend the time to go through this very comprehensive presentation."